Monday, March 25, 2013

HIV / AIDS, Symptoms and Transmission Method

World Wide Web | HIV / AIDS, Symptoms and Transmission Method | HIV / AIDS, Symptoms and How Transmission - HIV is short for Humman Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that attacks the human immune system. The immune system is considered down when the system can no longer perform its function to fight infections and diseases. People who are immune decline (Immunodeficient) becomes more susceptible to various infections, most of which rarely infects people who are not immune deficient. Diseases associated with severe immune deficiency known as "opportunistic infections" because these infections take advantage of a weakened immune system. People living with HIV in the body is called HIV + (HIV positive) or HIV. People who have been infected with HIV in the early years will have no symptoms, but it has potential as a source of transmission to others.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a syndrome or collection of symptoms resulting from the immune system. AIDS is not a hereditary disease, but a disease acquired or transmitted from one person to another. HIV infection has been ordained as the cause of AIDS. HIV levels in the body and spread of various specific infections is an indicator that HIV infection has progressed to AIDS. AIDS is the terminal phase of HIV infection.

HIV positive is a person who has contracted HIV, can transmit the disease even appear healthy and have no symptoms. People with AIDS are people - people who have shown a collection of symptoms after a period of HIV infection.

How HIV Works in the Human Body

Man with a healthy immune system capable of fighting infections and bacteria because of the white blood cells (lymphocytes) that acts as a "soldier" in order to keep one's body healthy and free from the threat of infection. Lymphocytes work with other call in reinforcements lymphocytes or in the production of antibodies to neutralize foreign objects. If one is infected with HIV, the virus attacks the white blood cells, in particular the so-called CD4. The virus then attacks the CD4 cells and genetic damage system so that the body is no longer producing CD4, but replicating HIV, the virus then destroys CD4. Similarly continuously so that the number of CD4 in the body decreases, resulting in the immune system being down and the body susceptible to other infections.

transmission of HIV

HIV transmission occurs when it comes in contact or mixing with a bodily fluid containing HIV, among others through:

  • Sex with HIV-positive people, both heterosexual (other species) and homosexual (same-sex) without using a condom.
  • Through blood transfusions and organ transplants contaminated with HIV.
  •   Through tools / puncture needles or other equipment contaminated with HIV as a tool piercing, tattooing, acupuncture and others.
  •   The transfer from pregnant mother to fetus transmission during birth or through breast milk to the baby.

From the description above, there are people - people at high risk of contracting HIV are:

  • Women or men who have multiple partners having sex with her ​​partner
  • Commercial sex workers and their clients
  • People who commit unnatural sexual intercourse as sex through the anus (anal sex)
  • Drug abusers with injections using a syringe together.

While the following is not transmit HIV

  • Touched with HIV
  • shake hands
  • Contact with clothing or items lainnyabekas HIV
  • People with HIV are sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose in front of us
  • Bepelukan
  • Kissing and not a deep kiss / that cause blisters
  • Through food and drink, or eat with HIV
  • Equally swim in the pool
  • Use toilet, sink or shower together
  • Mosquitoes or other insects

HIV Infection trip

When HIV enters the human body, 3-6 months is called the window period, a period of time in which a person infected with HIV at the beginning, but when the blood examination results are negative, antibodies against HIV has not been detected. At this time this person can transmit HIV. HIV incubation period average is 5-10 years, the period in which the HIV virus into the human body to show symptoms of the disease. Then after 5-10 years elapsed after the onset of symptoms of disease, and these people are called AIDS. The length can vary from one individual to another individual. With a healthy lifestyle, the time between HIV infection and become ill with AIDS can range between 10-15 years, sometimes even longer. Antiretroviral therapy can slow the progression of AIDS by reducing the amount of virus (viral load) in the infected body.

Symptoms of HIV and AIDS

When a person is infected with HIV, initially no symptoms are immediately apparent, so most people do not realize it. Some people have a glandular disorder that causes effects such as fever (accompanied by high fever, rash, joint pain, and swelling of the spleen), which can occur during seroconversi, namely the formation of antibodies to HIV that usually occurs between six weeks and three months after infection. Although no symptoms of a patient with HIV is very easy to transmit the virus to others. The only way to determine whether HIV is present in a person's body is through an HIV test. Disease or new symptoms appear when it is past the incubation period lasts on average 5-10 years.

Stages of development of HIV are generally divided into several levels such as:

  • Primary Stages. Someone tested positive for HIV but not yet showing symptoms, symptoms of flu-like symptoms just a headache, slight fever, fatigue and others so often overlooked. It usually occurs after 2-4 weeks of the first time the virus enters a person's body.
  • Stages asymptomatic or without symptoms. Someone is HIV positive but has not yet show symptoms. The number of CD4 cells in the blood continues to decrease. Sometimes accompanied by swollen lymph nodes complaint.
  • Stages of symptomatic or asymptomatic. Someone who is infected with HIV experience mild symptoms such as a fever, but did not threaten that lasted more than 1 month, weight loss of more than 10% in 1 month, diarrhea for more than 1 month, night sweats, cough for more than 1 month, fatigue prolonged. Sometimes symptoms of dermatitis on the skin, infections of the mouth, the tongue is often coated with a layer of white, herpes and others. The symptoms will be more severe as the decline in CD4 count.
  • Final Stages or AIDS. Someone is showing symptoms of AIDS is full, that is the opotunistik diseases, such as lung infection (Pneumocystic jerovicii), candidiasis, Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, drastic weight loss, diarrhea relentless, toxoplasmosis of the brain, and others. Most of these conditions are opportunistic infections suffered by people who if healthy, can be treated.

HV classified as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) since they both have the relationship they both can be transmitted through sexual contact, both are also at risk of attacking those who behave promiscuous sex without using a condom. Wet wounds were found in patients with HIV IMS into the entrance directly into the blood vessels, so that means contracting STIs increase the risk of contracting HIV.

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